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Sustainable Wellbeing & Holistic Nutrition

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Depuravita is dedicated to developing an effective range of food supplements from powders and tinctures to teas and chocolates designed to better one’s complexion and boost longevity.

This holistic approach to health and beauty draws on deep-rooted practices from Ayurvedic, Chinese and Scandinavian traditions. It is coupled with meticulous research to find the most sustainable and beneficial superfoods that work to strengthen one’s internal organism and target specific problems that arise as the body ages. The focus is on the overall wellness of the individual so they look and feel happy and healthy.


Meet the Founder

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Istanbul native Sandra Nassima has experienced firsthand the frenetic pace of life in cities from New York to Milan. Her goal was to create a beauty and wellness brand to counter the stresses of urban life and promote the long-term well-being of the individual. Her focus is firmly rooted in tested practices derived from traditional medicine and she believes in working from the inside out to improve people’s health and longevity.

In place of chemically-enhanced cures, Nassima searches out reliable natural substances and packages them in attractive, easy- to-use products. In 2018, she launched her groundbreaking project, Depuravita, a company that develops effective remedies that work at the intersection of nutrition and skincare.

“Our bodies are not meant to be nurtured by chemicals. We are part of nature, and therefore we must be nurtured by nature.”

Pictures and text (adapted) from Depuravita.

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